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Friday, 27 September 2013

CRA Reviews and getting supporting documentation. We do this for no extra charge, and sometimes its a lot of work.

I frequently end up helping clients to support a review of their tax deductions with Canada Revenue Agency.

This is a normal part of the self-assessment process we have in Canada in particular since returns are usually electronically filed without documentation. It is not what you would call an audit and it isn't usually triggered by anything considered suspicious or fraudulent on your tax return.

It is important however to provide the correct information in the requested amount of time for your review to avoid having your expenses reversed. Otherwise you may owe CRA back some money.

This is something that I help my clients with as part of my service in order to save them headaches.

If for some reason CRA rejects your expenses during a review, that doesn't mean they can't be reinstated. Often they just need more documentation.

In one case I had a client with $18,000 worth of medical that was rejected partly because insufficient information was provided and partly because CRA had misinterpreted some of the information. The client thought CRA was refusing to allow the claims unfairly, and he was right. In this case, because it was complicated, I opted to file a Notice of Objection on his behalf and formally request a formal review of this decision. I also submitted the correct information that hadn't been submitted originally by his prior service provider. In this case, almost all the claims were reinstated except for a couple of things we had advised him were not going to be accepted already.

This case took a lot of work and follow up and quite a bit of effort to make a clear picture for CRA to understand, in part because there were complex Medical Travel circumstances and some documentation was difficult to obtain.

However, in the end we were very successful, because we cared enough to help. And it didn't cost the client anything extra.

If you have had deductions rejected by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) you should talk to us for free. Maybe they can be reinstated, if we can help you through the process.


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